BRICS Token Security Audit Report

Are Your Funds Safe?

Our expert team at Callisto Network has conducted an in-depth security audit of the BRICS Token smart contract. This audit aims to ensure the security of your funds by identifying and assessing any potential vulnerabilities. Here, we present our findings:

Total Finding(s)
0 - Hight severity issue(s)
0 - Medium severity issue(s)
0 - Low severity issue(s)
0 note(s)
1 owner privilege(s)

Executive Summary

This report presents the results of the security audit conducted by the Callisto Network Security Department on the BRICS Token smart contract in September 2023. It analyzes the contract’s security posture in-depth and highlights any identified vulnerabilities.

1. Scope of the Audit

2. Audit Findings

Our audit reported a total of O finding(s), categorized as follows:

  • 0 high-severity issue(s).
  • 0 medium severity issue(s).
  • 0 low-severity issue(s).

In addition to these findings, our audit identified 1 additional points, detailed in the following sections:

  • 0 note(s).
  • 1 owner privilege(s).

2.1 Owner Privileges



Owner Privileges.


The mint function allows the owner to issue an unlimited number of tokens.



Ownership must be given to a contract with multiple signatures to reduce the risk of compromising the owner’s private key.

3. Security Practices

4. Conclusion

The audited smart contract can be deployed. No security issues were found during the audit.

Users should pay attention to the owner’s privilege to mint an unlimited amount of tokens.

It is recommended to adhere to the security practices described in pt. 4 of this report to ensure the contract’s operability and prevent any issues that are not directly related to the code of this smart contract.

6. CLO Coin Buyback & Burn Strategy

Callisto Security directly boosts CLO’s value for each smart contract audit performed by allocating a portion of the audit’s revenue for a CLO coin buyback and burn.

For this audit of BRICS Token:

  • Buyback Funds: 200 USD
  • CLO Coins Purchased: To be announced.

These purchased coins were subsequently burned, reducing CLO’s total supply and enhancing its value for all holders.

The buyback and burn strategy directly ties Callisto Security’s success to CLO’s value, adding another layer of utility for our community. For more details, see our GitHub.

About Callisto Network

Founded by Dexaran,  co-founder of Ethereum Classic, Callisto Network is a blockchain platform that prioritizes security. We’ve conducted over 330 smart contract audits across platforms like Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, and EOS. In addition to our audits, we’ve developed the ERC 223 token standard and CallistoNFT standard, enhancements over existing standards that address flaws and offer new capabilities, further establishing us as industry leaders in crypto-security.

Trust The Blockchain, Audit Your Smart Contracts.